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Breast Surgery

Quiz #1


#1. Which of the following are aims of a preoperative assessment of a patient?

#2. Which of the following allergies are/is relevant regarding a plastic surgical operation?

#3. What information from the anamnesis will not influence the planning of a massive weight loss operation?

#4. The skin conditions of the mammae should not be noted in the subsection(s):

#5. Which breast measurement(s) would normally be 21 cm for a young woman with medium-sized breasts?

#6. When examining a suspected melanocytic malignancy what should be noted?

#7. Which findings during the preoperative investigation will prompt a further investigation of the patient?

#8. During a heart auscultation, which of these findings would cause a further examination (e.g. ECG or Echocardiography) of the patient?

#9. In which of the following scenarios should the patient be given low-molecular-weight heparin in relation to an operation?

#10. Which of the following medications taken by the patient, should be considered when planning the operation?


